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The Church is the Best Investment on the Planet

We believe that the church is not a place, but a gathering of believers in Christ-centered on the teachings of the Scripture.  With over 3,000 churches planted among the unreached, today, we have several local church planting networks whose main goal is to nurture these new church plants and multiply them.


Through our church planting networks, we are able to train and send out leaders to plant a new church for roughly $1,600 per church.  


WE Cannot do this Alone!


We Need Financial Partners to invest in new churches among the unreached.


Here is where your investments Go:

Image by Carlo D'Agnolo


Often times our church planters travel between many churches throughout the week. A gift that would go toward the purchase of a car would help our church planters to quickly get from one location to another, allowing them to focus on church planting.

Image by Timon Studler


Biblical church planting results from evangelistic efforts gathering new believers into fellowship with one another (churches). Through the vast task of evangelization among the unreached, we often help financially with evangelistic campaigns, humanitarian aid, and other events to reach more unreached peoples.

Woman with Bible


Your gift will help place Bibles in the hands of those who have never had the opportunity to read God's Word in their native language.

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Would your Church prayerfully consider investing in providing Gospel access to those who are currently without access?

If you would like to learn more about our organization and what it would look like to invest with us, we would love to meet with you and share our heart. To connect with us, please email

Crossover Global is a registered 501(c)3 organization and your contributions are tax-deductible.

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ENGAGE42 is the Crossover Global channel to connect

your church to the unreached.


As a church planting organization, Crossover Global passionately seeks to glorify God by providing gospel access through the planting of multiplying churches among the unreached people of the world. 

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Crossover Global President

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Crossover Global

7520 Monticello Road

Columbia, SC 29203


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© 2023 Crossover Global, all rights reserved | We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. | Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law | Privacy Policy

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